Found this set of photos today while trying to organize things. This set of photos would correspond to Phin's post on 4/26/10 entitled "Big Eddy Campout". Phin made a great effort to put the stories up. Yes Phin you spelled Eddy correctly. If you had spelled it "Eddie" then we would assume the story was about a big guy named Eddie. But yes an eddy is a swirling current in a river and there is a large one of those near the spot we camped. Hence the name "Big Eddy". Phin also wonders if everybody had fun that trip. I for one had fun. I am pretty sure all the boys had fun even though it was very frosty in the morning. Take a look at the photos and see for yourselves. I really miss these boys and the things we use to do.
I can hear his mom saying "JAY THOMAS!" |
This is the bridge by where the railroad tracks use to be. We hiked just a little beyond this and then back to the Big Eddy. Russel Murdock in the foreground. I think from left to right it is Jacob Jensen, Kaleb Kaufman, Bryce Beard in the camo, Phin Jensen in the blue, Zed Jensen in the orange, Tom Bates green striped shirt visible between Zed and Phin and on the far right is Jon Jensen. Kinda looks like he's playing a harmonica but I doubt it. |
Corey either in deep thought or taking a nap |
Some sandhill cranes with Fossil Mtn. in the background |
My wall tent |
The Grand |
Pancakes for Breakfast |
Jon Jensen, Bridger Bowman, Jay Beard, Phin Jensen and Corey Murdock |
Tom Bates doing whatever he does best |
Love this picture of Jay and his hat |
George the scoutmaster |
Phin, the Indian version of Bryce Beard, Zed Jensen in the red hat, and Jacob Jensen |
Frosty morning |
Here's where we saw the moose |
Russel and Jay get themselves armed in case the moose charges |
Jon, Zed, George, Jay |
Love this picture as well. Russel Murdock, Bridger Bowman and Jay Beard. |
Almost a full moon that night |